First Light Healthcare


Reaching your prime years in good health and maintaining health is a high priority for a lot of people. Cape Byron Medical Centre, a local Byron Bay Medical Practice, are focused on working with you to achieve a healthy, happy future.

Cape Byron Medical Centre have doctors that believe in forming partnership with their patients in not only reaching but maintaining health and this goal of a healthy, happy future. With preventative health checks and regular reviews appropriate to your age and circumstances, the team are here to support you.

Cape-Byron-Medical-Centre-Maintaining-HealthThe advantages in medical screenings available for early detection of health problems mean that the ageing population is able to maintain healthier and more active lives than ever before. The doctors at Cape Byron Medical Centre believe that maintaining health and healthy bones in particular is a priority as you move towards your senior years. Here are some tips from Healthdirect to encourage healthy bones:

  1. Eat calcium rich foods: women over 50 years of age require 4 servings of calcium per day and Men over 70 years old require 3.5 servings of calcium. Think about including more dairy, green leafy vegetables, tofu, oranges and figs to your diet.
  2. Have a bit of sunshine: the recommended quota is a few minutes of sunshine in summer and a couple of hours of sun exposure spread over the week during winter. If this is not possible then consider talking to your GP about a Vitamin D supplement.
  3. Eat a balanced diet: ensure your diet includes protein, fruit and vegetables and carbohydrates
  4. Stop smoking: smoking cessation is so important to prevent osteoporosis. If you have tried and need some help quitting make an appointment to see one of our doctors to discuss options.
  5. Be active: weight bearing exercise is vital to strengthen your bones.
  6. Reduce caffeine and alcohol – everything in moderation!
  7. Health weight: underweight can also be a risk factor for osteoporosis.

“This is all the evidence needed when you’re considering putting off your next health check” suggests Dr Tonya Coren, one of the doctors at Cape Byron Medical Centre in Byron Bay. To ensure you keep on top of your health and ensure a healthy, happy future, call Cape Byron Medical Centre today and make an appointment at our practice in Byron Bay. Phone 6685 6326 or book your appointment online

Byron bay Medical Centre

By Cape Byron Medical Centre